In an effort to sound like slightly less of a bitch, I am rounding up a list of my top 5 favorite places to eat in the Mission District of San Francisco. This list is based on 3 years of residence and a lot of eating out with the singular criteria of crave-power. Repeat experience only; the kind of places you look forward to servicing after a couple of weeks out of town - these are the restaurants that I could eat at multiple times per week, ideally without excessive binge consequences of never-again syndrome. To be perfectly honest, I couldn't condense my choices to a mere 5, so I've included 2 runner-ups on the list. Neither of these competitors are technically in the Mission, but a short hop, skip or maybe a drive-by (cough cough Crepes-a-go-go) means that I am once again imbibing in their delicate and delectable flavors. As many may know, the Mission is a vibrant neighborhood that is traditionally Latino and has now been inundated with all the trendiest hipsters, bike messengers and yuppy middle class. But none of that white-person stuff means that you can't also find amazing food of the grittiest and most authentic nature. Run-down taco shops and back-alley eateries abound on the Mission's central strip, aptly named "Mission Street." In another vein, the collision of cultures also means a series of diverse foods that can satisfy any testy tastebud while simultaneously letting me forget how horribly small my kitchen is since I never have to use it. Ay carumba is right. And Buen Provecho.
Runner Up #2 - CREPES A GO GO (SOMA) Located at 11th and Harrison, this blessed haven of the crepe is a site for sore eyes, gleaming out of the depths of a side-street as only a trailer under the shine of late-night streetlights can do. That's right, Crepes A Go Go is the original street-food. Delicious, made on the spot in a space that makes my own kitchen seem spacious and served out of a mobile vehicle that probably hasn't been mobile in way too long, A Go Go serves both sweet and savory crepes with fresh ingredients and an extensive menu for the choosy. My personal favorite is a classic and comes on recommendation of the chef/boy behind the counter = fresh strawberries, nutella and whipped cream. And sometimes I'll even throw in some kiwi if I'm feeling exotic. Man oh man, I probably shouldn't write these when I'm hungry. Other people scream for the breakfast style crepes with avocado, or the lunch style crepes with turkey and cranberries. Me? I'm a dessert kind of girl. But nothing beats options. The majority of the clientele appear to be nearby party-hardiers, but then again, I've only frequented this location after concerts or late-night journeys myself. However, I hear it's open all afternoon/evening. In fact, one of the only negative comments I read about A Go Go is someone complaining that the place wasn't open when they wandered by at 3:45am. That's right folks - you read it here first - Crepes A Go Go does actually close. So make sure to get your drunk ass here before such an obscene hour. I hate to break it to you, but San Francisco is no New York. In other news, there are several other locations sprinkled around the city that I can't vouch for. For example, one reviewer of the Polk St. stand clearly wins the best complaint award:
"Mystery: When we were done and about to leave, an employee asked if they could get some crystal from me. When I said "uh, no", they said they could pay for it. Welllll ... should've said so in the first place! Minus one star for making me wonder what I said or was wearing wrong exactly."
Ah the Tenderloin, land of mystery indeed. In summary: Crepes A Go Go makes runner-up #2 because a) it's not technically in the Mission b) I have to drive there and c) let's face it - if I wasn't too lazy, I could make crepes for myself.
Final Judgment: "Don't ever sit down for crepes again. Eat a Go Go."
And on a final note, A Go Go music from South East Asia is really rockin'.